365 people

By gingerkate

004 Sel

So I missed a day, already ... oops!! Aw well, I was too busy hearing about friends of mine moving to Southampton that I forgot to take a photo, duh!!

It's funny how people just keep turning up in your life. Sel and I went to the same school but were in different year groups. Then we went to the same university, different courses and years, but we were involved in the same society. Now Sel and I work together and finally I'm starting to get to know her.

Sel is lovely, assertive, gentle, a great communicator, full of patience, funny, perceptive, has an eye for detail, organised, creative, honest, original and colourful.

I would travel anywhere with Sel, because if the plane crashed and we were stranded on an island (a la Lost) she would make sure we not only survived, but that everything looked great and felt like home! Sel can also be scary, so the Others wouldn't have a hope!

I solemnly promise to take another photograph tomorrow!

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