Salvage from the Wreckage

By NickMogToo

Yesterday's future

The other buy from the Bootie was this.
I used to have it on a cassette illegally recorded from a record library LP (sorry about killing Music with my home taping, by the way). Beautifully pretentious poems. And some good tunes.
'In Days of Future Passed" the Moody Blues have at last done what many others have dreamed of and talked about: they have extended the range of pop music, and found the point where it becomes one with the world of the classics."

It actually sounds like the score to a children's film.

On the back, there is a photo of some people gathered round a table in an office - "A pre-recording meeting between the Moody Blues and some of Deram's production team".

In other news? Short run on Wednesday, football yesterday and today. Work? Don't talk to me about work.

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