The Garden Needs it...

As promised the skies opened just after lunch today.
This was good timing as I'd run out of battens for the roof so I can't do so much up there until tomorrow when I can buy some more timber.
When we bought our "nearly new" car we negotiated a roof rack as part of the deal. I thought it a little strange when they asked if we wanted them to fit it before we picked the car up. We said no to that, and today we opened the box. The instructions were entirely in pictures, à la IKEA, and it took about 45 minutes to figure out what they meant and another hour to actually fit the space-age roof rack. I really wonder how anyone without a resident picture interpreting expert (Jan - HarlingDarling) manages.  On the positive side, having fitted  the roof rack together it now only takes 2 minutes to take it off or put it onto the car.
We went into town to deliver the god-daughter's birthday present, and then to eat delicious soup with those taking part in the stage 1 TaiChi course. We know a couple of the participants and once there we met even more old friends, who we didn't know were taking part.  Our course starts next week on Saturday but we may drop in on the stage 1 now and again.
Summer has not been warm but it has been very dry, hence the slightly ironic title.

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