Maha Aungmye Bonzan Monastery, Awa, Myanmar

In shrill contrast with yesterday, we woke up at (the just as ungodly hour of) 10.30, way past breakfast.  We decided that it didn't matter and that we needed our sleep.  After a rather slow start, we ended up downstairs at 11.30, and hubby asked for coffee.  We then decided that, no matter how late it was, we were in the mood to go out, so we hired a guide and car and asked to be taken to Awa, Mingun, and Sagaing (sounds like 'Sagay').  Absolutely no regrets.

Awa is also known as Inwa, and it used to be the capital before the seat of power was transferred to Mandalay.  Of course, an important town should be, and have, a centre of worship, so this monastery was built, as well as a number of surrounding pagodas.  To get to Awa, we had to drive about half an hour, or less, then take a short ferry ride, then finally hop onto a horse-drawn cart, which took us to the monastery as well as to every other pagoda and historical building in the area.  It was at least 35 degrees with no wind, so we didn't rush.

At about 15.00, we had a late lunch, then off to Mingun, where there were four temples to visit, and where I bought the first souvenirs -- a long skirt and black loose-fitting trousers.  After Mingin, we reached Sagaing and were just in time for the sunset.  It was a beautiful, satisfying day, full of activity despite the heat, and with more than enough diversity.  We had dinner at our hotel and then I spent some two hours working on my shots while hubby watched European football.

More tomorrow!  (And I was able to add an extra!)

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