
We stayed 'local' to the cottage .............. Within about 20 miles.

There were some very heavy squalls coming in periodically and whereas some of the others were prepared to stay out and get soaked - I got back in the car.
I am a lazy snapper not a photographer after all.

When we stopped at this point there was a flock of sheep on the beach but when we opened the car door all we could hear was mooing.
It was rather disconcerting.
Eventually this lady emeged from the wood followed by her small herd of cattle.
There were sighs of relief all round from us ........ we weren't going mad after all.

I would have gone for a walk on this beach but for the torrential rain that arrived just a few minutes after us.

The light was a bit better at Isleornsay ........ but we were very hungry and failing miserably in tracking down some food - so it was no more pictures and back to the cottage to eat.

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