And So It Continues

Squirrel's hair was actually quite well contained this morning - you should see it some days!

After having missed two phone calls from my lathe's manufacturer, I phoned them first thing.
It turns out it was sent out on Friday and should have been delivered yesterday. As it happened, the couriers did try to deliver it yesterday - but didn't leave a note to that effect. Apparently they put in for payment for every attempted delivery. No wonder they don't put a note through the door or give any clue as to when they are going to deliver.
The manufactures were going to arrange that it was delivered to Bags' in a day or two.
The big green van arrived at 10.30am!
The box had obviously been damp and had some marks on it but everything looked intact.
Until I went to plug it in!
That was when I found the power socket inside the control box.
I thought it had maybe not been clipped into place properly so I opened the control box and found it was in fact ...... buggered!
So I phoned the service dept to let them know and see about a new control being sent out.
Needless to say, the guy was less than happy hearing about it all and said that if the box had been soaked then they wanted the lathe back for safety reasons and would send out another new one.
I then got a call from the service department asking for pictures so that the couriers couldn't deny it.
They got a pile of pictures including readings from various parts of the cardboard box using a moisture meter. I take the readings after the packaging had been in my garage for nearly 5 hours .... on a day when it reached 26C (they got a picture of that and the time too) - after all that time in the warm the reading still peaked at 31% water content.
Now I just wait to have it collected ............ and a replacement to arrive!
You couldn't make it up!

At lunchtime the kids came inside and it transpired they had left the back door and the garden gate open for a while.
We couldn't find one of the cats!
It is an indoor cat and has never been out.
Neighbourhood searched - nothing.
Kids made up 'Missing'  posters and pictures posted on (anti)social media.

The Cygnet joined PD and I on our afternoon walk and loved watching the damselflies. The also insisted I take a picture of a bee on a thistle.
Later on he kicked off big time and refused to put his shoes on and come with SWMBO and I (and Squirrel) when we went for our eye tests.
I threw him in his bed and left him to get hell from his mother.
Squirrel had a great time ........ flavoured milk, watching Granddad have air fired into his eyeballs, choosing frames for Granddad's name glasses (yes - she did actually).

When we got home we were told the cat had been found .......... in Bags' bed!
I think she had managed to evade detection in the wardrobe and when the rumpuss calmed down came out and pushed herself between the pillows on the bed.

A real day of ups and downs.

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