Coming in

So for weeks, while on the golf course, I've been hearing the screams (of delight, I hope) of day campers on the Potomac river down below. 

Today, I decided to check it out, but of course I got there just as they were coming in for the day.  I'll have to return (when it's not hot as Hades) because kids + water = unbeatable combination for fun shots :)

The same area is also home to a 2,000 acres natural preserve, which features nine fields of sunflowers. Apparently, people come from all over to see them, so I had to check that out too. There was no one there -- likely because I went at 3pm when temps combined with humidity felt like 105... I did find a sunflower that reminded me of Stuart the Minion (see extra). Or maybe I'm just suffering from heat stroke hallucinations...

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