
Off in the train first thing - allowing time to stock up on M&S goodies of course. Into London and up to West Hampstead where we were a bit too early and had to sit out at the Black Lion awhile. Into town - to meet adorable F and take in some art - Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power. I could have done with longer than an hour - perhaps the £30 book would have been a more lasting investment than a £43 gawp.
On to the South Bank to meet with H and his parents - R and T! An easy chatty time, some veggie scran, and sharing of mutual interests. I tried to wangle an invite to the opening of their cafe too. By the end, talked out we were - in a good way - but there was still time to briefly sit out at the Black Lion. This london place is pretty cool. Not that you could live here, mind!

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