First Mate, Second Mate...

A glorious warm day, and a good breeze which strengthened as the morning wore on. A perfect day then to have organised a sail for Misterft and his two ciglettes. And what a great sail it was, close in past Inchmickery, and hard round the cardinal buoy at the west end of Inchcolm before close hauling up Mortimer's Deep! And a good steady 5kts all the way back, which is good going for the wee tub. And the lads were a credit to their Dad, so they were. I even taught them to cheese the warps back at the pontoon.
Briefly home before the Patty Watty arrived, as did the son - the two of us went boatwards to potter and bond.
In the evening, a boaty meeting after which I took the boat back to its mooring - in the course of which I absent mindedly ran over a mooring buoy, managing to go into neutral just in time to prevent a prop wrap. That fairly shook me out of my dwam. Still slapping myself I walked home where I remembered that I'd actually driven to the boatyard in the first place. I'm getting worse.

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