Garden Safari

A pretty wet and miserable day today weather wise -, and not really helped by the Microsoft Corporation's belief that the computer I laughingly call mine is in fact their's to do with as they please. A lot of hours lost to updates, inexplicable changes and general annoyance.

I finally finished my catastrophic bleed presentation - it's short but very technical, the bulk of the two hours will however be very hands on and quite possibly messy :-)

This weekend I'm delivering a private course - the company it's for have struggled to fill it so numbers are low. Whilst this is technically their problem it doesn't 'sit well' as a way to start what I'd like to be a long relationship. So we had a chat, I've removed some cost for them.... And they've booked me for next year! Instant Karma.

A stomp round the garden yielded a lot of soaked flowers and some interesting beasties - a combination of poor light, fast creatures and limited patience meant that non were great - but a collage sums them up well.

Philosophy Friday
This week I've reconnected with my own mentor, signed off on my Association's CPD program for the next year and hopefully passed on some little top tips to those I've Instructed . I've also watched some friends embark on the next stages of their own journeys, this seemed quite apt:

Management is doing things right.
Leadership is doing the right things.

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