Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Mist after the Rain

Gosh it absolutely threw it down during the night.  It was hardly surprising we had mist first thing.  On the way to the supermarket at 6:00 am, I pulled over at one of my 'go to' trees.  

I was engrossed in trying to capture the scene when I had the impression of someone (something?) near me in the field.  I looked up to see three red deer.  Now as I look back at the images I realise they had come from the field beyond the hedge; the head of one is in the far distance on the right side of this frame.  I'm quite surprised I didn't notice them earlier.

They hung around in the field for a few minutes, aware of my presence, but not overly threatened by it.  Had they been I'm sure I would have only seen their bottoms as they headed into a nearby copse.  I got off a few shots, but none really worthy of posting.

Later, we went up for the Saturday morning ride, and this time I went to!  Not on horse mind you, but I followed on the bike and we had a really good couple of hours.  We now know that the horse, Meg, canters at about 8 mph.  I couldn't keep up with the gallop!

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