Return to the North

By Viking

I Love New Zealand!

I am sure there are colleagues who think I sound like a whinging pom at times and there are things I miss about the UK. The BBC for example or the Guardian, Irn Bru, Galaxy (although I'm not allowed to eat that now so maybe not a bad thing) and going to gigs as often. But on days like today I know why I LOVE NZ. The sun is shining, I had a great day at work and this is the view from my school to home. No longer do I have to set off at 6.30am to drive 27 miles so that I can get to school on time. No longer do I have to sit in a traffic jam n the M1 for an hour and a half to get home. I don't have to send myself to an early grave worrying about Ofsteds (ERO's really aren' as bad, honest) and I don't have to put up with British bureaucracy.
So yep I'm glad I'm in NZ! And here I shall remain.
I have blipped this scene many times and I do so unashamedly, because it is a daily reminder of not only why I am in NZ but why I am in Murchison.

Have a fab, fab weekend all and I hope the sun shines on you all :-)))

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