Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Quacker Shot

A truly great day.
The lake was still.
The sun was shining and
The Boss was a complete pain.

It is always like this when photo conditions are especially good. He gets very fussy and I always end up getting attached to his belt loop for longer periods "so I don't mess something up" is the reason offered.
So there we were, walking up the lake side from Edgewater. Stick throwing was well off the agenda as the lake was a mirror and there was no way he was having me "messing it up" this early in a Blipshoot. So up the shore we went and clunk the Boss's camera went. I couldn't believe how many shots he was taking for ONE Blip. And then he stopped dead. Whispered "Tussock come" which is one of those commands that I have trouble hearing sometimes. (long ears is the trouble) I got a very stern look and another" TC" so I got curious and wandered over to see what the problem was and click went the clip on my collar and clunk went the D clip on his belt and then I noticed these guys. I have to say at this point that I do not bark at ducks. I have never really had a lot to do with them at all and whenever I do see them, they are normally swimming away. However these ones were not swimming away. The were sitting on a rock with their beaks tucked into their feathers and not particularly photographic. There was a fast lens change, and we crept forward...Nothing happened. The Boss snapped some frames off and nothing happened. We crept forward again and I went for a drink of water. Nothing happened twice. The ducks and my drink. Finally The Boss had his framing but the ducks were still snozzleing. What to do, what to do. The Boss whistled ...Nothing. The boss whistled louder...Nothing...The Boss (still crouching in the shingle with the camera to his eye) yelled "Duck" A couple on the track turned and stared. The ducks never moved. Then The Boss struck pay dirt, he picked up a sizable rock and threw it at the bank beside us. (Pay Dirt...get it?) The Ducks looked up ..clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk clunk went the camera. Ahhh went The Boss.

Important appendix note
No Ducks were injured in this exercise and I did get off lead and all the water (burp) I could handle right afterwards. Well maybe a bit more than I could handle but you never know and need to plan for thirsty periods in advance. Right?

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