
Our decision to split Cathedral and the Alcazar visits over two days turned out to be a good one as we were able to get into the Alcazar ahead of the crowds and enjoy a relatively leisurely wander round before everywhere got too choked up with tour parties doing fashion shoots. Plus we were not so early that we didn't have time to find a nice cafe on the way down at which to investigate the Spanish breakfast tradition of tostades - tomato and olive oil for me, butter and marmalade for Beck and some kind of weird chorizo-based pate thing for Katie; we all pronounced ourselves satisfied. The Alcazar was even more beautiful than promised, the relatively garish Christian additions only serving to enhance the tranquil symmetry of the Moorish architecture. The gardens were nice and peaceful too, with a good patio cafe in the shade. Afterwards we walked to the river, by the Torre del Oro and down past the Bullring. Seville is a marvellous city - a bit like Paris with it's many winding streets, everyone you pass clutching a map which gives you only a pleasingly rough idea of where you are going. And in the evening there were tapas... 

No idea...

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