Same or different?

I'm not sure whether this is the same hoverfly that I photographed the other day but it was doing a bit more hovering and was less still, so not such a close up.  I was a bit lacking in motivation for photography yesterday after my morning conversation with our new neighbour (there's nothing like poorly understood boundaries for creating problems, but our talk went OK) and my afternoon spent writing a letter of complaint to a senior partner at the solicitors who are dealing with my mum's estate - it's over four months now since her house was sold.  I just hate being put in the position of having to write a letter of complaint which is effectively about one person.  

I'd thought I might drive up to Hood Green and then walk across to Keeper's Pond when Ann returned from church but then the sun went in and I decided I might be wasting my time as the damselflies would probably have gone to bed.  So it was a choice of bees and overfills  hoverflies (why do spell checkers know better than you) again and I chose this one.  

The internet was terrible again yesterday evening and he never did phone me back about an appointment for the engineer.  I'm back to reading a novel again (the first for a long time) by means of escape and was probably asleep by 9pm.  The good news is that I'm feeling much more rested this morning.

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