So far so good.

Day one of looking after Bess the Grand-dog. ( Am I a Dog-ma? )
I went for a walk with the camera and Bess. It's quite slow walking a dog isn't it? Not like a regular dogless walk where you can stride out, more of a meander really. Especially with Bess who has the most docile and easy going temperament ever. So far she has eaten a lump of horse poo , drunk some stagnant water intended for cows, caused another dog to bark ferociously and bare its teeth while she stood with an air of injured innocence , a  ' What me? I didn't start it.' expression, and shown an unhealthy interest in a squirrel, almost breaking into a fast stroll when she saw it.
Anyway we've come to an accommodation , she and I. I will wait patiently while she sniffs at all manner of dubious looking substances, then wees on them, and she will return the favour by standing waiting while I take photos.
It's all going very well so far.

Mono Monday. Theme;  light. Hosted by 60plus.
I saw this Cinnabar caterpillar on ragwort. It was so colourful and yellow and stripy , but mono is mono so here it is. His whiskery bits were catching the light.

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