A commute....

....I wasn't expecting.

Before I leave work I always check what the roads are doing in terms of flow and whether there has been an accident on the M6 (which seems to be occurring quite regularly). Lo and behold the motorway was covered in dark red lines on google maps due to an accident.

I took the cross country/lane route from work and I'm glad I did, even though it initially takes me in the wrong direction it soon makes time up compared to sitting in crawling traffic on the motorway. I was only 10 minutes later than usual and I got to enjoy the views, blue skies and great light in the Staffordshire lanes.

I could have pulled over many times for a landscape shot but it was only when I was 5 minutes from home I pulled over, luckily I had my polarising filter in my bag to maximise the blue in the sky.

Two landscape images in a row, but after the love for yesterdays image, I can't complain...thanks kind people of blipland.

This image hasn't been worked too much as the colours were vivid anyway, I've just slid the clarity slider up a bit and pulled the shadows up in lightroom..... ok ok it's a fake as my dad would say ;).

Mr Bo Hingles 

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