A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Have you seen the hot air balloon?

Very pretty morning this morning :]

Having looked out the window I decided to take a camera with me as the unit that I'm based in for placement is fairly high up so the entrance area provides some good views. When I turned around to take the picture the hot air balloon was a bonus!

Fun first hour in the office (8-9am is protected breakfast time on the ward so opportunity for e-mail catch-up and other office related activities, also start of the day letting off of steam!) followed by a classic couple of hours of nothing really going as planned on the ward. Supervision was again supportive and productive and that brought me to the end of my working day! Half day of study, you see...

Lunch in the WRVS cafe, post-lunch nap (a Friday habit I must get out of!) and now I have just managed a few hours of study. Quite how I am never this productive when its assignment writing time is beyond me! Off to have dinner with Frances and her family tonight, tag along to hang out/"help" at their youth group :] should be fun.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and get a bit more study done in the morning so that I can return to Edinburgh in the afternoon free from books and to-do lists :]

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