
The guy came from the water company, today, to fit my smart meter. There was something instantly likeable about him and I was happy to invite him into the house and offer him a cup of tea. He said he did quite fancy one but he wasn't yet sure how long he'd be here. Could I tell him where to find the stopcock?

You know, I wasn't looking to make friends with this man from the water board, I didn't think we were going to become lifelong pals or anything, but at the same time, I didn't want to disappoint him this early on in what I will tentatively refer to as our relationship.

"Where would it normally be?" I ventured.

Well, he made some suggestions, which came to nothing, although eventually, through some adroit hydraulic sleuthing, he found it outside the house, in a location that meant a smart meter could not, apparently, be fitted. My disappointment was mitigated when he said the that meter could be fitted out on the road, and with that, he left, leaving only this graffito behind him.

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