After the rain......

I went out to find a blip in the garden, but someone kept getting in the way.  Obviously he wanted to be blipped today, unlike Yesterday! :)

Sending love and hugs to Blipper SuzB whose cat Boris has passed over the Rainbow Bridge :(

So last night I got a text asking me not to work today as there was no work for me....

I had a good morning, then went to an interview.  I'm hoping it went quite well, but I haven't heard yet.   They want someone to start on Monday if possible, so that would be good (its a year's contract) :)

After that I popped to see an agency in Reading about an interview I'm going to tomorrow.  This one is probably going to be walking distance from home (not a particularly nice walk but walkable) and the job is permanent :)

We will see what tomorrow brings...

In the morning I have my blood test, followed by another part time job day, then straight to the interview...

Happy Wednesday folks :)

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