Help from Florida, USA

21th July, 2017:

They are always thankful to W4Z. Everyone in the village is enjoying W4z's  pump. Almost the whole area has a W4Z pump. People are very happy and thankful for the pumps given, because all their lives have changed thanks to safe water and the pumps are so close to home. Women no have time to sow gardens and girls can now go to school.

District:  Mzimba
Area:  Manyamula
Village:  Yelemia Nkhoma
Distance from factory:  137  km
Depth of well:  11.7 meters
Former water source:  open well
Furthest from well:  650 meters
Number served:  107 families
Preschool:  10 mins
Primary school:  15 mins
Secondary school:  10 mins


S: 11  57  04
E: 33  26  36

Silvester Nkhoma : 0881579637


Courtney Evans and family Florida, U.S.A

Pump Number


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