George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry


Sometimes, just sometimes, I do get fed-up with her clicking on that camera thing all the time.   And sometimes, just sometimes, SHE gets fed-up with me tugging on the lead because I just want to go, go, go.  So we end up with a compromise - and she hooks me on a fence or a bit of wood and prays that I don't escape.  AS IF!!!

We went for our Park walk early today on account of the sky is getting very black and there is a severe weather warning in the Mt. Lofty ranges, and the last thing we want to do is get flattened by a falling tree.

And we walked and walked and walked and I got to meet my new Aunty Jen; and I liked her ever so much, and I think she liked me too.  And then there was my new Auntie Shirley and my new Uncle Ben.  So many new people.  I like meeting new people. 

I do NOT like meeting new dogs, and I think she got a little bit cross with me, because I did yip and yip and yip at a lot of dogs.  I get a bit frightened, and I have to defend HER and myself as best I can, and it's a huge responsibility for a small black dog.

So in the end she picked me up, and there was a lot of picking up because there was a lot of dogs, and she has to wrangle me and the camera around her neck.

So in the end I think we were both pleased to get home again, and I went fast asleep because I am ever so tired.

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