Clean Slate

By cleanslate

We'll never get all eight..

Famous last words.  Despite various bouts of illness, the kind that seem to clear up and then magically reappear at inopportune moments (sometimes dramatically, in a rash all over No.2 son's face, sometimes when no.1 son doesn't want vegetables :-/ ) we made it to the maize maze this morning.  There was some grumpiness from the children in their various stages of recovery, but there we were anyway.  No.1 son can be very particular about wanting to do things properly: in the right order and completing the task at hand.  No.2 son is more of a law unto himself.  Fabulous.  To try to preempt disappointment, I told no.1 son there was a zero chance of us getting all the stamps from the maze, which he tried to disprove mathematically and then they both proceeded to show sufficient tenacity to prove Mummy wrong.  So for the first year ever, we have all eight stamps on our little bit of card.  Go us.  I think.  Probably hasn't done much for my credibility though.  Oh well, it was in a pretty sorry state anyway!
And here is the obligatory, annual, running through maze shot :-)   

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