
By awelsh


Well did more facing my fears today, it was a travel day and what a travel day it was. First off we drove up and over a mountain. It was breathtaking as the coach drove up on what looked like very narrow roads, it's disorientating as well because we're on the other side of the road to normal as well. The view from the top was spectacular and fascinating seeing all the cairns people have left. I didn't find it as bad as I thought. Although I didn't make it right out onto the skywalk by holding onto someone's shoulder I did at least get a foot on it! We had a couple of other stops along the way, one of them being at a stave church which was cool being made entirely out of wood. After another wee ferry crossing all that was left to do was to go through the world's longest road tunnel and face another fear. Although this time the thought of it was worse than the doings of it, even if it did take 20min to go through! We made it to the hotel and what a pretty one it is too. The first time I've had a patio door in my room. It looks out onto a path and a bit of a mountain and turns out there are 2goats in a field. Early start tomorrow as we have a wee rail journey up a mountain and then it's the boat to Bergen.

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