
By awelsh

Day 10

Today was a day of waterfalls. From the one that starts high up on this side of the valley cascading wilder and wilder on the way down through to all the incredible different ones we saw on our fjord cruise today. On the way down the stairs alongside the waterfall I was rather petrified going down as you can see through the holes but 2people from our tour helped me down. You can see varying sizes of waterfalls all along the fjord and they are just beautiful. After an afternoon of chilling by the harbour it was time to face my fear and climb back up the stairs, all 432 of them! There was the other option of the road but that would have been a bit hairy with no pavement and hairpin bends. Anyway after much procrastination I made the ascent up and Iived to tell the tale! A wee trek along part of a trail at the top was a lovely end to a lovely day

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