A feather frame!

As I was changing the bed this morning I found this little feather and decided to use it as a frame for the second of Emma Davies '30 days of composition - frames'  It's also good for Tiny Tuesday with many thanks to Osuzanna for hosting!  (60mm lens)

Went to the doctor's today as I have a pain in front of the ear, linked to the jaw joint.  Basically carry on with the Ibuprofen and try and ignore it!!

  It will go away!  Don't open your mouth too wide!  Unfortunately he was not clear as to how long it will take!  But he did make me  laugh when he told Ro he had to do all the washing up!!

My son forgot to cancel his 'Hello Fresh' meals and three arrived yesterday!!  It would be such a pity to waste them so it's fish curry tonight!!  Hopefully soft enough for me to eat!

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