Mustn't Grumble..

..In fact I feel far from a grumble, in spite of the wet weather.
We knew we were in for 'cold and wet' when we moved from the South to Derbyshire and I am loving it. What's not to like about fewer smart clothes and more fleeces in the wardrobe?
(I say 'fewer', but must admit I'm not very good at chucking stuff out. What's that all about I wonder?
Some deep-seated insecurity no doubt?).

Anyway, after my long and drawn out narrative of yesterday I shall attempt brevity.

Things that make me smile?
'See a pin, pick it up and all day long... You'll have a pin'.
 I know I'll have blipped that before but it still works for me :-)

(P.S. Please get well soon S... The Summer holidays are waiting :-/)

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