

I've been vaguely aware that a Big Blip Day was looming.

Owing to having so much enjoyed being 'A Part of It' for a long time, I had given thought about how to Blip something apt for today.
(Himself suggested themes around Anne of the Thousand Days, but I drew the line when he mentioned axes).

The weather, sigh, has been windy (hopeless for the kind of macro photography I have come to enjoy).. So we set off for a 'photoshoot' at local 'Attraction'.. 
...Himself (on his phone) managed a truly fabulous capture of the glories of Poole's Cavern, which he offered to me for my Blipday use... (Because my own shots were so spectacular in their failure, see extra).

Just no.
It would have always been Wrong, but especially today.

So I went in search of a conker, having had in mind the notion that my first ever blip was a conker..
Got seriously wet  in the process.
Found (it must be said) a truly BEAUTIFUL  conker.
A conker amongst conkers.
Captured it (if such a thing doesn't sound a little bit bonkers?).
Came home.
First blip was a ladybird.

So, after much effort, a bee is what I'm offering..
The Grand Shot (if it is do-able) will have to wait.
I suspect it will always be just out of reach.

I have a little Blip story though.
One which I do hope it is acceptable to use..
I was on a course.
Many months ago.
A long way from home and by the sea.
I sloped off at lunchtime to Blip. (A verb which will surely make the Oxford English Dictionary sometime soon?).
Another delegate came outside and fell into step with me.
'Oh, you like photography?' she said.
'I do. I do this Thing where you take one a day. Like a journal', I replied.
'Hmm', she said. 'I met a woman a couple of weeks ago who does a similar thing'.

My heart sat up.

'She had her head in the bushes on the river path... I asked her what she was doing and she showed me and she explained.. She did a thing called... Blip, I think...'

My heart almost fluttered... 'River path?'...

'She showed me her photos, they were insects and things, they were AMAZING. She said she called herself... Ooh ... A funny name...'

Me: 'Gatekeeper'...
'Was it, by any chance.... Gatekeeper??'

Her: 'YES! That was it. Do you know her? She was really lovely'.

And I said: 'I know her name through Blip'.

Small World?!

Here's to connections, and to Blippers everywhere.
You really all are a Grand Crew.

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