Fungi Funday

Lauren flew home today so just three of us took the télésiège de Zore and walked in the Combes area behind Montagne de Seraussaix. To be honest Tony wasn't very keen to come and the temperature was very high again, so I chose a pretty easy walk. He's yet to learn to appreciate 'walking for the views', however, once up there he was as enthralled by the insect life as Peter & I were and he spent just as long photographing them. There's hope yet!

For me however, whilst the insects and spiders were fascinating and unusual (see extra collage and sorry it's too late now for me to id them), it was a fungi day; there were just so many.

The extra collage shows:
Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)
Russula, very probably Bared Teeth (Russula Vespa)
The Panther (Amanita pantherina)
Huge 25- 30cm tall Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota privera)

Sadly however the main blip id has eluded me. Any help from those more informed than me would be much appreciated.

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