Who knew?

By InOtherNews

The Salon

Last night it was time for the Salon in Cambridge - I didn't take my camera but Fe kindly obliged and let me use hers for this one shot. For those without the power of telepathy this is a young girl cavorting on two curtains on stage. She was very, um, flexible.

Sadly at 11.05pm on Saturday I also got a cracking shot of Fe, Scotchlass and Missymoo. The ladies, as always, looked stunning, but with an hour to go before midnight struck the photo just missed the blip deadline. Trust me though it was hot stuff.

I wore a trilby and braces to look a bit gangster (not rap gangsta you understand, more Mafia gangster). I would point you in the direction of a shot but in their wisdom nobody actually took a photo of me....... or rather when they did I opted to look like I was a couple of cans short of the proverbial six pack.

In other news I feel rough. Simply editing this picture has made me feel a little nauseous (????)

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