
By Sevan

Thai Embassy Open Day

My Sunday was warm yet chilled! After a lazy start drinking coffee and reading on the balcony, Werner drove 7 of us in his stallion of a land rover, dubbed Pegasus. Our family outing took us to the Thai Embassy.

Since Canberra didn't "develop" as a city, but rather was designed, it's all laid out quite logically. As a result, all of the embassies are grouped together in a little district. The area looks like any upper-middle class suburban street, except with huge gated buildings instead of houses. All of the countries are literally neighbours. I couldn't help but laugh as I walked through, thinking it was the perfect premise for a crappy sitcom. Iran moves in next door to the US, and hilarity ensues...

Anyway, into Thaliand we went! We were treated to a staggering variety of food, a live band (singing American pop-culture covers...) and a martial arts display.

In the afternoon I fixed up my scooter, and made good on my aforementioned "tearing up" of Civic skate park. Great weekend!

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