
By Sevan

Crystal Petals

These are crystallised rose petals Werner painstakingly made as part of a cake. You dip them in egg white, then coat them in sugar: completely edible and delicious! I think tilt-shift works best when the subject is viewed from an angle, but it's nice here from a vertical perspective: you can view the petals in bands of focus.

I cycled the 20+km (the + because I got lost around a nature park - a scenic detour!) to the junk yard today. My goal was to pick up a camera tripod and a scooter. There were no tripods...but I found an amazing little micro scooter. It needs some tweaking, but I'm sure in no time I'll be tearing up the skate park at Civic like the 21 year old I am.

I also found a Terry Pratchett Discworld map set, which I unfortunately haven't been able to open yet. But! This was compensated by the other gem I found: an original copy of Unreal Tournament! I spent much of the evening happily reminiscing.


Also, the film Stardust makes you feel all warm inside.

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