Snow Down Under

By snowy


Yes, I have be out buying - again. Since I came home from the North Island I have been searching all the nurseries for Magnolia Felix Jury. Along with Stellata, I do have two Iolanthe growing but they flower so early & always get caught in the spring frosts. I am left with pulpy brown flowers which are not a good look. So I took myself off to our local Mitre10 yesterday on a Magnolia hunt. No Felix Jury, but I came home with 3 roses, 2 rhododendrons & 1 plum tree. Here we are almost at the top of my section & Kim is planting the plum tree. The 3 roses we planted behind us on the hen run fence. If you look closely, down in the middle left, through an avenue of cherry trees, you can just make out the roof of my house. On the right side the roof of Peters cottage. On the right, from top to bottom I have an avenue of Camellias & Rhodos. The piece of flat land directly over the tray of Peters truck, is where I usually stand to take my photos of the lake & the mountains. The distant land on the left forms part of Mt. Roy, which my house & garden overlooks BUT come up here & the view is completely different; we overlook a different part of the lake. I am sure you are utterly confused ! It is because we are higher up. In the middle, is my heap of garden rubbish, which I am negotiating with the council to get a permit to burn. Watch this space.
I am sorry this Blip is so dull, but this is the kind of day we have had - absolutely no sun & very flat, but not cold & perfect gardening weather.
Kim pointed out a Tui in my garden today which is an added bonus. We could hear it calling & eventually spotted it. Such a thrill ! A first in the garden.
I apologise for the lateness of this Blip. I had just written it up, pressed the wrong button, & lost the lot. Old age is awful ! I put my iPhone aside & thought I won't put up a blip. An hour later I said "grow up", of course you can rewrite it. BUT IT HAS BEEN A PAIN !

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