Easy like......

Sunday Morning.

Every Sunday morning should start with a bacon sandwich. optional fried egg and mushrooms - either red or brown depending on your preference. This should be law....unless you are a Veggie and then you should just have, well, something else I guess :)

What should have been a relaxed, recovery of a Sunday has turned into a busy one including cooking a lasagne for during the week, steam cleaning the kitchen floor, washing (lots), a huge dog walk, packing up eBay stuff and the obligatory Sunday Roast preparation.

I am now sat in the snug taking it easy with a roaring fire and a lovely friend called Pinot Grigio. Simon is in the lounge watching 22 men kick a round a ball of air. The boys are in the snug with me because I am their favourite it is lovely and warm in here. Lots of candles flickering and some easy music on mean that it is much nicer in here than in the lounge :)

Anyway, I have just remembered this week is a 3 day working week - YIPPEEE! I never, EVER, ever work my birthday - this should be another law. Nobody should ever work their birthday EVER!! I have booked a spa day for me and Si, as it is our wedding anniversary on my birthday - this time five years ago we were on a plane to Vegas :)

Anyway, I am waffling. I must dash. Postcards to write, dinner to cook and much relaxing still to be done.


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