One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

His Precious

This is Eoin, hand delivering his PhD to Oxford University tomorrow at 3pm.
I have spotted him since the super cheery departure waiting room, looking lovingly at his box (his only luggage), checking and rechecking its content at regular intervals.

There is a great mix of characters bringing their custom to Bus Eireann.
Those who cannot afford to fly Ryan Air, those terrified at the idea of flying, a few musicians who do not want to pay for the extortionate over-size luggage fee for their instrument, a good few travellers, ethnic minorities, former investment bankers, and the odd blipper who found out at short notice that he won a catwalk pass to the London Fashion Weekend (and who is too economically challenged to fork out the extortionate last minute fares offered - even by the blue and yellow bus with trumpets in the sky).

The ferry crossing was smooth and uneventful, I only wished later (and too late) that I had invested in more than one little hour of sleep while on the ferry.

Then it was back on the bus for a long night of driving across Wales and England.

One of my highlight of the night was definitely Birmingham, not at all the way Dr Craig pictures it. I saw at least three living persons and a few shops that were not boarded up (including the iconic one covered in the strangely regular raised rash).

We all made it safe and sound to London, including the PhD thesis that never left the loving gaze of its proud owner.

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