Just outside the door

Hmmm, it wasn't quite the weather day I anticipated. Fog and glasses and is never a good combination, less so if you're running or biking as I was this morning. It's atmospheric though and that's pretty neat on a bike.

Drizzle turned to rain by early afternoon and my ride back to my car was looking wet. I popped my head out the door to check on how wet it was and found art :-)

I managed to sneak away in a weather gap and miss the falling stuff, which only left the squelch of worms on the cycle way. Ewwww! What is it with worms and tarseal?

Weeks ago I decided I needed to find a stretching or yoga class as a balance to my big muscle exercise. I'm blessed to live in a small town with a community centre that runs all sorts of classes.

My enthusiasm coincided with the end of term and I patiently waited for new term only to come down with a virus. I'm glad that missing the first 2 weeks didn't deter me and I headed off tonight. I manage to forget my cash card and they let me in for free.

It was good. I creaked my way into it and my body appreciated being stretched (at least I think it did :-). Best of all I didn't fall asleep as I've done before in previous dabbles into yoga. It was good and I'll be back.

Today's gratitude: For the ordinary. For the mundane just ticking along without disruption. I like that.

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