Tree work

The tree that cracked in half, falling before we went to Maine has been cut, and the branches chipped this afternoon. Lots of noise and hard-hatted helpers as the head honcho did the cutting. It fell right near the old bottle dump dating back to the first settlers on this land up to the 50s and 60s with my grandparents' stuff on top. That cache of trash has been featured in a few blips of the past. I'm sure if one would dig there are treasures to be found, something I always say I'm going to do...

For the Record,
This day came in warm and sunny.

All hands terrified, one with very vivid memories of The Bay of Pigs. Did 45 have to utter the most extreme statement possible? He has to go, for the good of the world.

Today is the 72nd anniversary of the horrific Nagasaki bombing and we have these escalating threats. Can there ever be a nuclear free world, is it just a another dream?

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