Picnic at the end of a long day....

I love when a day comes together without a problem and ends with pizza and wine on the back porch!   But not without a lot of hard work and effort!

Started early in the studio packing up the pots etc., for market day.   Richard and i drove down to Baddeck, unloaded and set up the tables.   Then i left him in charge and headed back to the studio....24 mugs and 12 small vases thrown - then back down to the market to pack it all up again....then onto my acupuncture appointment, which seems to be doing something to help my should and neck!!!    Home and unpack the pots .... again....display them on shelves.    i snuke in a short nap before we headed down to Englishtown beach with beer and cheese and crackers.   What a fabulous way to end a busy day.  

Here are my 3 picnicing buddies...Marco, Richard and Terry!  

Exhausted but well satisfied.    Richard did a fabulous job at the market and sales were wonderful

off to bed soon!!!

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