
By Forgevalley

Its Alive!

Well what a nice day! Great weather and a day with my lad. I collected him from Uni halls at half ten. He started to absorb food and watch DVDs almost immediately so I used the dry weather to do what I think might be the last cut and strim of the season. Maybe!
Teased him outdoors about 3pm to throw a rugby ball around and help cut back some branches - he was alive!
Its alive!! A phrase from Frankenstein, about a human 'what he made'.
I just happen to have a poster from the film on my study wall, I bought it from 'The Glad Eye at Number Ten' when I was a teenager. That was a great shop!

I have made two monsters, not from spare parts though, one is in France being very grown up and eating French cuisine (Macdonalds would you believe), the other now full of roast beef and yorkshire pud.

Me too - splendid!

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