Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

Senior Moments

It was definitely a senior moment ... I phoned Mum at 9am, just as I do every Sunday.  She took her time to get to the phone, but eventually answered with "Hello?". 
Me: "It's me, who else phones you on Sunday!"
Mum: "Oh dear, I thought it was Saturday"
Me: "No it's ... oops ..."

To celebrate the "extra" day off, I headed over the The Sculpture Park near Farnham in Surrey in search of some more silliness for the Silly Saturday challenge.  I last visited with friends over 3 years ago, and there were a lot of familiar sculptures - some suffering from their exposure to the weather some what - and plenty of interesting new ones.

I thought this trio of characters were silly enough for the challenge, and perfectly summed up my faux pas this morning

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