Mahurangi River

After yesterday's exertions with the builder's mix, I needed a quiet run this morning. Headed out along Mahurangi East Road and on towards Martins Bay. Some hills to walk up, and run down on the way back. Going up the hill towards the highest point on the peninsula beyond Snells Beach, it is possible to see both sides. This picture is of what I call "the other side".

It is low tide and the channel of the Mahurangi River is well seen. It is navigable at high tide right up to Warkworth, even for moderately large boats. There is mudflat and mangrove on both sides of the river, and extending southeast along the edges of the Mahurangi Harbour.

The light is still the soft light of the early morning, sunrise having been not long before. Long enough for the sun to be high enough to shine over the hill and touch Mahurangi West. One of my book club friends has a home over there, and once every six weeks drives to Auckland to meet with the rest of us. Despite the distance, he's more regular than I in his attendance.

Worth a look in large

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