Over 200 Families

8th  August, 2017:
We have been installing pumps in this area before and we are still more giving them good and safe water. People in this area are so delighted with our pump. They are impressed with how it works and also how simple it is to maintain. They requested for more pumps because the area is so big.


District:  Mzimba
Area:  Manyamula
Village:  Mtegha Nyirenda
Distance from factory:  139  km
Depth of well: 10.9 meters
Former water source:  open well
Furthest from well:    450 meters
Number served:  200 families
Preschool:  10 mins
Primary school:  15 mins
Secondary school: 25 mins

S: 11   57   43
E: 33  27    21


W .D. C. Nyirenda: 0884462143


Philip Killington and familly, Scotland

Pump Number


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