Sharing water with animals

9th August, 2017:

They didn't expect that they could  have a pump. They used to get water from open well and sometimes in the dambos. They were very happy to see water flowing from the pump. They wish W4z all the best so  that they assist more people.


District:  Mzimba
Area:  Chimubwanganda
Village:  Thom Zgozi
Distance from factory:  153  km
Depth of well: 6.7 meters
Former water source:  open well
Furthest from well:  340  meters
Number served:  74 families
Preschool:  none
Primary school:  20 mins
Secondary school:  1hr , 30 mins

S: 11   54   38
E: 33  20    22


Mr. Zgozi: 0885045330


Catherine Bates and Family, Dublin, Ireland
Pump Number


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