Boat Week is Over

It was a fine enough morning, cloudy but dry, and then it started to rain!  It's barely stopped raining for the rest of the day. 

Monday morning and I've been working on the museum desk.  After the crowds of last week, today's 300 visitors seemed quiet.  There was a cruise liner in Lerwick today, but we didn't see many of the passengers.  After tea, I rushed to work in the pub.  It was a quiet shift too, think the rain put them off.  Feet up for the evening now.

Boat Week was a great success, and heard great reports from folk.  It was certainly scheduled for the right week, today would have been terrible.  It clued up yesterday and boats have been getting collected today.  This boat was sitting waiting, and getting rained on.  Taken at Hay's Dock, Lerwick.  

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