Blue Skies After The Rain

It rained all night, and torrential rain this morning.  It seemed like it would never stop, but it finally did.  The clouds soon broke up and the sun came out.  It's remained breezy but a sunny evening too.

It's been a day in the museum office, and looking out to a dull morning.  I was in the museum various time today, and a really busy morning.  The afternoon was quiet, when the sun came out.  I fell asleep on the sofa after tea, finally woke up and nipped down to see mam and walkies with Sammy.  Off to work in the pub later. 

On my way to mam's, Sammy needed a break and we popped out for a very brisk walk.  Nice to see the sunshine a d blue skies after the dull horrid morning.  Looking over the Brenya croft house, Fladdabister. 

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