
By Frogbit

Day 4 - rest day and Uelzen

W and I decided to pedal over to Uelzen's Bahnhof to see what Friedensreich Hundertwasser had been up to. In 2000 the station was revamped according to his instructions and the results are both astounding and totally bonkers. Golden spheres adorn each corner of the outside of the building, mosaics of various types of ceramics cover walls and floors. Platform lifts are housed in small buildings which look as if they are straight out of a fairy story. It costs a Euro to visit the toilets but, boy, what toilets. The cheerful attendant invited me into the Gents once I'd explored the Ladies and urged me to take photos of the interior. I didn't want to disappoint her - but it's the first time I've ever photographed a urinal!

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