
By Frogbit

Day 5 - rain

A soggy and cold day which threatened the planned ascent of a local wind turbine for a guided tour at the top.

We cycled through steady drizzle to rendezvous with Heike from the mill for an al fresco morning coffee and cake stop. Heike had loaded up her van with flasks of tea and coffee and vast trays of home made cake and drove over to meet us for a very welcome and warming refuelling stop. Afterwards we carried on pedalling through the funny Rundlings villages to our lunch stop where it was decided that only those with suitably non slippy footwear would be able to undertake the wind turbine ascent. Unfortunately most of the adults, including me, were wearing cleats which meant that very few of us would be able to experience the thrill/terror of perching on top of a 50m tall wind turbine's gearbox to enjoy the view. Last time we'd come the wind turbine visit was the highlight of my holiday and I was disappointed not to be able to repeat it but the thought of cleaty shoes skidding about on the rungs of long aluminium ladders high above terra firma made me realise it was the sort of activity that really was best only attempted in rather more clement weather.

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