He's Back!

Had me worried there for a minute.   He'd made a few passes lately but hadn't hung around long enough to fish or have his picture taken.  

The family ancestry project is still going.  I probably don't need to say that again since it'll be going for quite some time so I'll just put an update on my journal from time to time.
Sorting out family, especially when you get back into the 1600s is no easy task and one thing driving me nuts was that it was a naming catastrophe.  For instance, Alexander McKee named his son Thomas McKee, and Thomas named his son Alexander and Alexander named his son Thomas and then Thomas named his son Alexander.  Finally, Alexander's son Thomas broke the cycle and had a daughter named Mary.  

This part of the family is very interesting,  The early, newly arrived from Scotland,  Alexander/Thomases were fur traders and Indian agents in Pennsylvania and today there are some landmarks there with the McKee name.  One of those Alexander McKees was a member of Canadian Parliament just when I was beginning to get puffed up about my heritage I found that Thomas of 1807 "loved to frolic too much and neglected his duties" and worse, was "continually deranged with liquor."  Not a good sign, but I'm forging ahead.    

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