Trauma at the river

Today I went to the river and do you know what I did?...................... I went diving into the river at a spot that I've never, ever, gone into before, swam around in a lot of water weeds and then tried to get out. I couldn't get out because the banks were really steep. Obviously because I dived in, I didn't realise how difficult it would be for me to get out.

Ann went a bit mad at me. She said, 'Molly, you are a very silly collie. Swimming around in water weeds is a really stupid plan. You could become trapped.' I have to admit that I did feel a bit trapped. I couldn't get out at my diving in point and when I tried to swim up/down stream I was trapped in a lot of vegetation. And I mean A LOT!!!

After Ann had ranted and raved at me, she eventually realised that I was well and truly stuck in the river.

…................So she had to kneel down on the wet muddy grass and tell me to swim to my 'diving in point', and then she had to pull me out by my collar.

Ann is seriously not happy with me tonight. Obviously she got very muddy and wet 'saving' me. And when I did eventually make it out of the river, I did a big shake and all the stinky river water went all over Ann.

#badlybehavedcolliefreetoagoodhome Lol, lol, lol

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