
After a long journey we arrived at our destination for the first part of the trip. We're in Aberdeen for the celebration of the wedding last year of my niece Amy and her husband Robin. They've had a couple of traumatic years and had a quiet wedding last year but party people that they are wanted to have a bigger celebration when they felt ready for it.

The large hotel in centre of Aberdeen where we're staying is full of their guests and I guess I'm related to most of them by marriage. My blip is of a few of our more direct relatives in the bistro attached to the hotel, where we had our evening meal. The big celebration takes place tomorrow afternoon and will no doubt continue late into the night.
I'm not sure what part I'll be playing in it all because as I got up after our meal, I realised I was suffering from the vertigo that occasionally affects me and went to my room very carefully. Writing this on Saturday, having taken a further dose of stugeron, I'm hoping I will be fit for limited action by the time 4 o'clock comes.

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